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Feb 22, 2024
LJ Managers send Peyton to Island Dolphin Care
Wicked Awesome Wishes and Lady Jane's Haircuts for Men were blessed to receive a wish from a caregiver at the Cleveland Clinic asking us to send this special little lady and her parents to therapy in Key Largo, FL that only the Dolphins can provide! It is an effective treatment for her aggressive Muscular Dystrophy and one her family could not afford. WAW and 200+ Lady Jane's managers invited Peyton and her parents to sunny Florida. We granted her wish at our annual manager's meeting and sent…
Wicked Awesome Wishes and Lady Jane's were privileged to be part of 2023's Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams. Thousands of Volunteers shine flashlights to remind pediatric patients that they are not alone this holiday season and wish them sweet dreams as they turn out their lights for the night. Our financial support and volunteers helped some amazing kids forget about their health challenges and feel the impact of what the holidays are all about!
On December 2nd, Wicked Awesome Wishes and Lady Jane's stylist from the Indianapolis area store helped execute a Holiday wish for some amazing children. These kids and their families suffer from life-threatening conditions and through a partnership with Kids Gotta Play we were able to make their Holidays happy and worry-free By providing this holiday adventure, families can create long-lasting friendships and support one another during a difficult journey. Wicked Awesome Wishes and Lady Jane's…
Saturday, December 2nd the Wicked Awesome Wishes organization and Lady Jane's Haircuts For Men partnered with "A Kid Again" Charity for an annual Holiday Adventure at the I-X Center in downtown Cleveland. The day-long event brought in families with children who are living with life-threatening conditions, so they can have a getaway from doctor visits and hospital stays for a fun and event-filled holiday bash!
Wicked Awesome Wishes and Lady Jane's were blessed to be able to help this great cause with financial support this year. They specialize in enriching the lives of Children experiencing hardship by providing hope, instilling resilience, and developing opportunities to succeed.
Recovery Alive is an amazing cause that helps recovery addicts of all kinds get their lives and their families back in order. They are transforming local communities through local churches. They offer 12 12-step recovery Meetings, RA Sober living Homes for men and women, and Mental Health Coaching! WAW can help this great organization through financial support and volunteerism from our Regional Manager, Michelle Boeger, and other members of her team.